The Foundation seeks to enhance the quality of public education in Pelham with the help of parents, students, educators, alumni, businesses and foundations. We fund educational programs that are outside the annual school budget and award grants for projects that:
• Strengthen and enrich curriculum
• Develop and promote innovative programs.
• Support additional faculty training and resources.
• Fund the purchase of equipment.
• Provide funding for special school facilities and equipment.

Our Focus
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the high quality of education provided by the Pelham school district.
As in other high quality school districts, tax dollars alone are not plentiful enough to sustain the high quality educational experience that the Pelham community demands and that our students deserve. With increasing budgetary pressure on our school district, our community, via the Pelham Education Foundation, steps in to fund the creative and meaningful programs we could not otherwise afford.
The Pelham Education Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1995 as a not-for-profit and tax-exempt charitable foundation to receive tax-deductible contributions from individual donors, corporate gifts and grants from public and private foundations. Since inception we have made grants in excess of $3 million as detailed in Foundation Grants.
Foundation Grants
Since inception in 1995, the Foundation has awarded over $3 million in grants to provide critical support for the educational needs of Pelham’s students. Our recent focus on 21st century teaching tools and techniques has fostered the development of life skills for our fast-paced, global environment and supported a dynamic, project-based curriculum that utilizes technology and multi-media. A sampling of the numerous resources provided over the years include: